As a finance student and about-to-be college graduate, money is frequently on my mind. It’s a daily consideration, as well as a passionate interest of mine, so I’m always in search of a reliable source to expand my repertoire of finance knowledge. One of the YouTubers...
Sometimes, older generates try to differentiate themselves from millennials (or young adults- call them what you will) because of the stigma of irresponsibility that is associated with the millennial generation. This is especially true in regards to managing one’s...
If you’re a young adult new to the workforce and investing, then you’re not expected to be a financial expert. You may be on your own for the first time and managing your own wealth is new to you. As such, it’s natural and human to make some mistakes along the way....
At the Bank ATM fees: When you go to withdraw money from an ATM, try to use one in your bank’s network. ATMs outside of your bank will charge fees, which can add up significantly over time. If you know you will be using other bank’s ATMs frequently, consider...
I’ve covered the best free personal finance apps before, and it seems like these days, that’s the way most people (people in my generation, anyway) manage their finances. When we spend so much time on our phones, even doing most of their reading on there in the...