Tips for a Good Credit Score

Tips for a Good Credit Score

If you have been trying to get approved for a credit card or loan and have not had any luck, then your credit score may be to blame. A low credit score can also make it difficult for you to get a loan or credit card with a great interest rate. Fortunately, there are...
Stock Check- Does Your Stock Pass The Test

Stock Check- Does Your Stock Pass The Test

When it comes to investing in stocks, there are many factors to consider. First, you have to be aware that this is your money that you are investing so this is a leap of faith that can either reap great benefits or be a grave mistake. You also want to take into...
Best Way to Invest in Commodities

Best Way to Invest in Commodities

When you think of investing what typically comes to mind? Stocks. Bonds. What about commodities? A commodity is a raw material or a primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold. Commodities can also be used as a significant way to diversify your portfolio...
Video Analysis: “The 10 Rules of Making Money”

Video Analysis: “The 10 Rules of Making Money”

As a finance student and about-to-be college graduate, money is frequently on my mind. It’s a daily consideration, as well as a passionate interest of mine, so I’m always in search of a reliable source to expand my repertoire of finance knowledge. One of the YouTubers...
Investing Advice for Millennials

Investing Advice for Millennials

Sometimes, older generates try to differentiate themselves from millennials (or young adults- call them what you will) because of the stigma of irresponsibility that is associated with the millennial generation. This is especially true in regards to managing one’s...