A big part of graduating college and finding your first job is becoming financially independent. If you’ve completely relied on your parents up until this point and have never lived by yourself and been responsible for all of your living expenses, this change can be...
You’ve just come through four of the most pivotal years of your life and you’re ready to step out and make your mark on the world with your college degree. If you’re lucky, you’ve probably accumulated a few generous checks from friends and family members...
I’ll be graduating college soon, and as excited as I am to break out on my own and experience the real world, it comes with a huge amount of responsibility. One thing I’ve definitely taken for granted these years as a college student is the comfortable monotony of...
The holiday season is officially upon us, and you know what that means, right? Well, it means lots of things, really. For most, It means holiday tunes on the radio, twinkling lights and decorations, spending time with family and friends, preparing and eating...