Many credit cards use sign-on bonuses and various rewards to lure and keep cardholders. Some of these incentives can be lucrative. Paying mortgage payments with credit cards can be a quick way to earn those rewards. But there are difficulties to this process, and...
To people attempting to enter it for the first time, the credit market can look like one enormous catch-22. A person needs credit in order to get credit, but can’t get credit until he or she has credit. Fortunately, this contradiction isn’t quite as...
Lenders don’t necessarily have a credit score that will disqualify someone for a home loan. They are all entitled to set the limit for a minimum credit score to whatever they like. Because of this, it isn’t unusual to find that a borrower cannot obtain a...
One of the most stressful aspects of having a credit card is having to deal with the interest rate. If you don’t have a great interest rate on your card then you’ll likely have to deal with paying high credit card bills that will only get higher if you don’t pay them...
College students focus on earning good grades to help them secure solid job opportunities when they graduate, but that’s not all they can do to prepare for their future. Young adults can also use their college years to follow these five tips to building a solid...