Student loans are the bane of every college grad’s existence. Whether they amount to a little or a lot, these loans often haunt former students well into their careers and can prevent people from making major life decisions because they feel burdened by debt. If you’re ready to get rid of your college debt as quickly as possible, read on and follow these tips.
See college debt like a mortgage
Viewing student loans as a type of mortgage is a good way to cut through the debt as fast as possible. Like a mortgage, if you make larger payments, you’ll be able to pay off your loans more quickly and save on interest. A method many people opt to use is sending in payments every two weeks instead of once a month; it allows you to save more on interest and pay the loan off more quickly.
Make a longterm plan
A 3 to 5 year plan for student loans is one of the best ways to create an endgame for paying off this debt. By budgeting for this longterm plan, individuals hoping to cut through student debt will be motivated to get as much done as soon as possible. With a goal and deadline in mind, it is easier to focus on meeting monthly goals and payments.
Create a college repayment fund
Believe it or not, creating an account that’s solely for paying off your student loans can help a lot. When your money isn’t readily available within your regular bank account, it’s easier to save. Moreover, be sure to use an account that has a higher yield in order to make the most of savings. Choose a consistent date each month to move money into this account; a great day would be the day you’re paid so you don’t even have time to notice the money is being pulled out.
Start earning during college
While many students prefer to focus solely on their studies during college, getting a part-time job is an excellent way to start earning money to pay off student loan debt. Ideally, students with part-time jobs during college can put away a substantial amount of savings each month. All the money saved from this part-time job can eventually offset the student loan debt.
The best jobs in college offer students flexible hours and experiences that students can use in their future careers. Many students find that positions like sales associate, receptionist, or teaching assistant are the best options for them. There are also a lot of campus jobs that allow you to study while you’re working, so you can opt for those as well, though they might pay less than off-campus jobs.
Cutting through student debt can be challenging but it is possible. Save as much as you can and pay off student loans sooner by using these four tips as a debt-busting guide.